Why is my pour-over coffee so slow? Why does my pour over brewing take so long? How long does it take to pour-over coffee?-People are asking this type of question all the time when it comes to making pour-over coffee.
Similar to other coffee brewing methods, perfect extraction is essential for brewing rich flavor coffee in the home. That is why the best coffee grinder for pour-over is crucial because a quality coffee grinder ensures a precious, uniform, and consistent grind that helps to preserve maximum coffee flavor and aroma. Both manual hand grinder or electric automatic grinder work equally for producing the grind size you want.
In fact, pour-over coffee making time may vary based on several factors but mostly vary for extraction time and grind size.
7 reasons that increase pour-over brewing time
Grind size impacts on brewing time
From experience, you might easily understand that pour-over coffee will take a long-brewing time if you use too fine a grind size instead of medium grind size and chances are your coffee is over-extracted and you get sour taste coffee that surely demotivates you.
On the flip side, if you use too coarse of a grind instead of a medium-fine grind, then the pour-over brewing time will be too short cause under extraction and might produce bitter taste coffee.
A large amount of coffee takes time to brew
If you want to brew pour-over coffee for your full family or for your guest, obviously the pour coffee brewing time will be longer comparatively producing small amounts 2-3 cups of coffee.
Coffee ratio impacts on brewing time
The coffee to water ratio has a direct impact on pour-over brewing time and the coffee to water ratio may vary based on brewer taste preference.
Pour-over coffee filter clogging can increase brewing time
One of the most common factors that pour-over coffee filter clogs (often paper coffee filter not draining) because of using inconsistent coarser coffee grounds instead of medium-fine consistent grind. And, there are chances of filter clogging if you are going to brew a large amount of coffee.
Unfortunately, if your coffee filter clogs, you have no worries because you clean a clogged pour-over coffee filter easily. If you want a quick cleaning, then you can use a bit of baking soda on a scrub-brush before your next brewing.
On the other hand, one common practice is to soak the coffee filter in a 1:2 mixture of distilled white vinegar to water for approximately 8-10 hours for thorough cleaning.
When to adjust the pour-over coffee drip
Making pour-over coffee requires some sort of skill and it is better to use a gooseneck kettle for making pour-over kettle for better control of pouring flow rate.
How do you decide when it requires to adjust the pour-over coffee drip rate? The rule of thumb, if your experience of the water is taking too much time to drip through, then you must adjust to either pour faster or set your grinder a little coarser next time. However, if you experience it going through too quickly, then you control the pour rate to drip slowly or grind finer.
Wrong coffee gear increase brewing time
When it comes to brewing coffee, it requires the right coffee gear that not only eases your brewing process but also helps you reduce coffee brewing time.
For brewing pour-over coffee, many coffee brewers are still using a traditional kettle instead of gooseneck kettle which is specially designed for making pour-over coffee that allows you greater control of flow rate and lets you be more precise with where you are pouring the water on the bed of grounds.
Stirring may increase brewing time
There is no thumb rule in the pour-over coffee brewing process that you should require to stir your pour-over coffee at any stage of the brewing process. However, a lot of people insist on stirring or agitating the grounds with a spoon or chopstick at different stages during this brewing process thinking that it will improve the coffee taste.
In fact, stirring or some sort of agitating generally creates an inconsistent brew- it can agitate the grounds too much, causing over, or even under, extraction.
There is nothing surprising that good things take some time which is absolutely even true for making a perfect cup of coffee. When it comes to brewing a rich flavor coffee you must allow time for proper balancing.